The best animal jokes

When is a lion not a lion? When he turns into his cage.
has 39.78 % from 23 votes. More jokes about: animal
According to leading scientists, the deadliest animal on the planet is the Bearded Norris.
has 39.64 % from 21 votes. More jokes about: animal, Chuck Norris, science
Why doesn't Sweden export it's cattle? It wants to keep it's Stockholm!
has 39.62 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: animal, geography
Q: What do women and cats have in common? A: Pussy farts.
has 39.56 % from 49 votes. More jokes about: animal, cat, fart, women
I had a knock at my door earlier, it was a policeman… “Mr Cook?” “Yes,” I replied. “I’m afraid your dog has just been reported to have chased someone on a bike.” I said, “That’s bullshit – my dog doesn’t have a bike!”
has 39.50 % from 19 votes. More jokes about: animal, cop, dog
What do cows wear when they are on vacation in Hawaii? Moo moos.
has 39.50 % from 19 votes. More jokes about: animal, geography, holiday
What must a policeman have before searching a rabbits home? A search warren.
has 39.50 % from 19 votes. More jokes about: animal, cop
What do you get if you cross a kangaroo and sheep? A wooly jumper.
has 39.47 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: animal
What do you call a chicken that crosses the road without looking both ways? "Dead."
has 39.47 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: animal, death
Why did the frog go to the mall? Because he wanted to go hopping.
has 39.47 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: animal
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