The best internet jokes

Chuck Norris's e-mail adress is
has 40.80 % from 37 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, computer, internet, IT
Q: Chuck Norris invented the internet? A: Just so he had a place to store his porn.
has 40.37 % from 59 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, dirty, internet, sex
Q: How do you fix a broken website? A: With stick e-tape.
has 38.49 % from 28 votes. More jokes about: internet, IT, technology
Q: What do you call a black man on the internet? A: The dark web.
has 38.34 % from 55 votes. More jokes about: black people, communication, internet, racist
Yo Mama's so Web 2.0, she makes you call her Mothr!
has 37.27 % from 20 votes. More jokes about: internet, Yo mama
Why didn’t the internet get any e-mail? Because his e-dog kept chasing the e-postman.
has 32.71 % from 35 votes. More jokes about: animal, dog, internet, IT
A client calls to hotline of internet service provider: "I have a problem, internet stopped working two days ago, neither I nor my son nor anyone else can access it now..." "I see, do you know what's the operating system on your PC?" "Of course, I do - it's Facebook..."
has 30.51 % from 213 votes. More jokes about: customer service, Facebook, internet, IT, technology