The best relationship jokes

5 stages of being single: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, texting your ex something random then going like "sorry wrong message".
has 62.50 % from 27 votes. More jokes about: relationship, single
"What happened to your girlfriend, that really cute math student?" "She no longer is my girlfriend. I caught her cheating on me." "I don't believe that she cheated on you!" "Well, a couple of nights ago I called her on the phone, and she told me that she was in bed wrestling with three unknowns..."
has 61.75 % from 105 votes. More jokes about: math, phone, relationship, student
Yo mama so old, she walked into a museum and found her ex.
has 60.85 % from 32 votes. More jokes about: age, old people, relationship, Yo mama
Yesterday I lost my pen. Today I saw it in my girlfriend's hand When I told her: "My PEN IS in your hand." She began to laugh. I don'nt why...
has 60.56 % from 19 votes. More jokes about: communication, relationship
A girlfriend said to me during sex that I should be a little more graceful, so I went to ballet classes!
has 59.20 % from 48 votes. More jokes about: communication, relationship, sex
Q: How can you tell if your girlfriend really likes you? A: If you stick your hand in her pants and it feels like you're feeding a horse.
has 59.05 % from 73 votes. More jokes about: animal, dirty, relationship, sex
Him: "I'm going to come and see you, I don't care about the gas prices or anything I'm coming to no matter what." Her: "Aw okay, I'm going to get ready." Him: "I love you, I can't wait to see you, I'm getting ready to leave." Her: "Okay honey, I'm on my period, just letting you know." Him: "My car just blew up, I can't come see you." Her: "Get your friend to bring you, he always does." Him: "He got shot I can't come, sorry." Her: "Never mind I'm not on my period, my panties are just red." Him: "My boy said he is okay, he's going to take me, I'm going." Her: "I'm really on my period." Him: "Damn! He got shot again..."
has 58.58 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: communication, disgusting, friendship, love, relationship
My girlfriend admitted to me she was once a Christian, so I immediately broke up with her. It may come across as judgmental, but really, I've only ever known and loved her as Christine.
has 57.73 % from 35 votes. More jokes about: christian, relationship
Once a blonde wanted to go to her boyfriend's home. Her mom advised her: "My sweet whenever your boy friend wanted to touch your pants tell him there is a hot oven so your hand will burn." Next day her mom asked her daughter: "Had you a good day?" The blonde answered: "It was the best day in my life because when my boyfriend touched my pants I told him: 'There is a hot oven and your hand would damage!' But he urged me that I've one hot dog and I wanna to cook it for several times he put his hot dog in my pants and then he put it in my mouth for confident whether it has been cooked or not."
has 57.66 % from 115 votes. More jokes about: blonde, dirty, relationship, sex, stupid
A young man decided after 4 years of working nonstop at a decent paying job and saving the bulk of his earnings that perhaps it was time to settle down. He called up an old girlfriend from his high school days and she answered on the first ring. As they spoke and reminisced about old times she said to him "Wow, this has been great, I've really enjoyed speaking with you, but I must ask, where on earth did you find my number?" To which he replied "Honestly? I'm just as surprised as you are, I have been working as a jani tor in our old high school and just happened to see your number etched into the door of a boys bathroom stall! I'm amazed you still have the same number after all these years!" And she responded "Well, how else was I supposed to keep in touch with all the boys I used to sleep with?"
has 57.62 % from 46 votes. More jokes about: communication, dirty, relationship, time, work
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