Best jokes ever

A horse and a rabbit are playing in a meadow. The horse falls into a mud hole and is sinking. He calls to the rabbit to go and get the farmer to help pull him out to safety. The rabbit runs to the farm but the farmer can’t be found. He drives the farmer’s Mercedes back to the mud hole and ties some rope around the bumper. He then throws the other end of the rope to his friend, the horse, and drives the car forward saving him from sinking! A few days later, the rabbit and horse were playing in the meadow again and the rabbit fell into the mud hole. The rabbit yelled to the horse to go and get some help from the farmer. The horse said, “I think I can stand over the hole!” So he stretched over the width of the hole and said, “Grab for my dick and pull yourself up.” And the rabbit did and pulled himself to safety. The moral of the story: If you are hung like a horse, you don’t need a Mercedes!
has 74.14 % from 36 votes. More jokes about: animal
What do you call a mexican who's lost his car? Carlos.
has 74.14 % from 189 votes. More jokes about: car, mexican, racist
Your momma so fat... I ran around her twice and got lost.
has 74.14 % from 383 votes. More jokes about: Yo mama
How do you kill 10,000 Mexicans? Throw a peso over a cliff. How do you kill 10,000 more? Tell them nobody got it.
has 74.13 % from 362 votes. More jokes about: death, mexican, racist
Wanna hear a dirty joke? Little dirty Johnny took a bath with bubbles. Wanna hear an even dirtier joke? Bubbles is the girl next door.
has 74.09 % from 324 votes. More jokes about: little Johnny
Chuck Norris can squeeze orange juice from a banana.
has 74.09 % from 282 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, food
Chuck Norris is the only weapon allowed through airport security
has 74.09 % from 180 votes. More jokes about: airplane, Chuck Norris
Q: What's the ultimate rejection? A: When you're masturbating and your hand falls asleep.
has 74.08 % from 378 votes. More jokes about: disgusting, masturbation
Peter: My mom is having a new baby. Joy: What's wrong with the old one?
has 74.08 % from 154 votes. More jokes about: baby, kids
At a Wednesday evening church meeting a very wealthy man rose to give his testimony. "I'm a millionaire," he said, "and I attribute it all to the rich blessings of God in my life. I can still remember the turning point in my faith, like it was yesterday: I had just earned my first dollar and I went to a church meeting that night. The speaker was a missionary who told about his work. I knew that I only had a dollar bill and had to either give it all to God's work or nothing at all. So at that moment I decided to give my whole dollar to God. I believe that God blessed that decision, and that is why I am a rich man today." As he finished it was clear that everyone had been moved by this man's story. But, as he took his seat, a little old lady sitting in the same pew leaned over and said: "Wonderful story! I dare you to do it again!"
has 74.08 % from 74 votes. More jokes about: christian, church, god, money, old people
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