The best dirty jokes

There were three women sitting at a bar, talking about how loose they were. One woman said that her husband could fit his arm in up to his elbow. The next woman said her man could fit his leg in up to his knee. The last woman just slid over the bar stool.
has 62.75 % from 93 votes. More jokes about: bar, dirty, husband
What did the two tampons say to eachother? Nothing , because they were both stuck up bitches.
has 62.74 % from 111 votes. More jokes about: dirty
A mother without any pant was playing with her son. The boy pointing to her mother's pussy asked: "Mammy, what is that dark wooly between your feet? Mother: "My sweet that is a brush." Son: "Where is it's bundle?" Mother: "In your daddy's pant."
has 62.74 % from 111 votes. More jokes about: communication, dirty, kids, sex
Teacher: "Who can tell a story?" Little Johnny: "Our maid's ass." Teacher: "Why?" Little Johnny: "Last night daddy touched her ass and was whispering: 'A wonderful story.'"
has 62.63 % from 184 votes. More jokes about: dad, dirty, little Johnny, teacher, vulgar
My wife wanted me to whisper dirty things to her. "...........dishes."
has 62.62 % from 256 votes. More jokes about: dirty, wife
There were these two guys working late in a morgue, when one guy said, “Hey man there is a woman in there with a shrimp in her vagina!” The other asked, “What is a shrimp doing a dead woman's vagina? Let me go see.” Both of them went in the room with the woman, and they both curiosly looked. Finally, the second man said, “You idiot, this ain't no shrimp it's a clitoris.” And the other man replied, “Well, it tasted like shrimp to me.”
has 62.61 % from 56 votes. More jokes about: dirty
Q: What did the blonde's mother say when she asked if she could lick the bowl? A: "Just flush it like everybody else does."
has 62.44 % from 40 votes. More jokes about: blonde, communication, dirty, family, stupid
Q: If Hitler would have been a feminist what political system would he have come up with? A: A dickhatership!
has 62.21 % from 124 votes. More jokes about: dirty, Hitler, political
Bully: Your dick is probably like a tic tac. Geek: No wonder your mom's mouth is so fresh. Class: Oooooohhhh!
has 62.19 % from 46 votes. More jokes about: dirty, insulting
What do you get when you put 50 lawyers in a room with 50 lesbians? One hundred people who don't do dick.
has 62.19 % from 46 votes. More jokes about: dirty
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