The best cat jokes

Q: How do you make a cat go ‘woof’? A: Soak it in petrol, and set it on fire.
has 39.30 % from 56 votes. More jokes about: black humor, cat
One day there was a woman who lost her cat named "LOVE." It was pretty dark outside and she lived in New York. So, thinking that he might be down the street, she put on her house-coat and went looking for him. When a police officer stopped to ask what she was doing, she said very honestly, "I'm looking for LOVE." The policeman arrested her on the spot.
has 37.02 % from 29 votes. More jokes about: animal, cat, cop, women
In the year 3000, animals rule the Earth; they talk and drive sportscars. An owl enters a psychologist's office. The psychologist says to the owl, "What is your problem?" The owl replies, "I always sleep at night and am awake during the day. I am an owl and we usually are awake during the night." The psychologist tells the owl to come back in two days to solve his problem, as he is very busy. The next night, a cat comes in. He says, "I always sleep during the day. Like my friends, I want to sleep during the night. Can you help?" The psychologist advises the cat to come back in one day, as he is very busy. The next day, the cat comes very, very, very early for his appointment and ends up at the same time as the owl. The cat is told to wait outside. He peeks in the owl's appointment and figures out his problem... and his address! During the next evening, when the owl usually comes in for his appointment, the cat comes in. The psychologist asks the cat why he is here instead of the owl. The cat replies, "He is here!" and poops on the floor, explaining, "I was sent to deliver him."
has 34.19 % from 41 votes. More jokes about: animal, car, cat, disgusting, time
A mother and her son are sitting on an airplane, which is ready to take off. The son admires the parked plains’ through the window. At one point, he turns to his mother, which was reading a magazine, and pops the question: "Since big dogs have little dogs, and big cats have little cats, how come, big airplanes have little plains?" The child’s mother, bored to think of a reasonable answer, consultant him to ask the flight attendant. Therefore, it happened: "Since big dogs have little dogs, and big cats have little cats, how come, big airplanes have little plains?" little boy asks the flight attendant. Then, with a smile on her face, stewardess replied: "Did your mom told you to ask me?" The boy shook his head positively. So, she says back: "Tell your mother, that our company knows better and.. pulls out in time!"
has 30.77 % from 29 votes. More jokes about: airplane, cat, dog, kids
I got a cat the other day. I had to swerve, but I got it.
has 29.42 % from 33 votes. More jokes about: animal, cat
In what type of weather is the vet the busiest? When its raining cats and dogs.
has 22.31 % from 32 votes. More jokes about: animal, cat, dog, weather
Bears do not eat bears. Tigers do not eat tigers. Dogs do not eat dogs. Cats stopped eating kebabs.
has 14.46 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: animal, cat, dog, food
How do you make a cat be a dog? Pour gasoline on it and light it with a match. It will go 'WOOF.'
has 13.02 % from 36 votes. More jokes about: animal, cat, dog