The best racist jokes

Failed my biology test today: They asked, "What is commonly found in cells?" Apparently "black people" wasn't the correct answer.
has 84.03 % from 4947 votes. More jokes about: racist
Q: Why do Jewish men get circumcised? A: Because Jewish women won't touch anything unless it's 20% off.
has 81.70 % from 1323 votes. More jokes about: jewish, racist
Q: Why are all black people fast? A: The slow ones are in jail.
has 81.42 % from 2847 votes. More jokes about: racist
Q: Why can't Mexicans play Uno? A: They always steal the green cards.
has 81.15 % from 1200 votes. More jokes about: racist
How can you tell a black guy has been on your computer? It's not there.
has 81.04 % from 2566 votes. More jokes about: racist
What's Mexicos National sport? Cross Country.
has 80.73 % from 1863 votes. More jokes about: mexican, racist, travel
Three guys (Asian, American, and a Mexican) are on a hot air balloon trying to get back home. Something punctured the hot air balloon so now its going down really fast. The three guys decided to throw stuff that they don't need away so the balloon won't fall down too fast. The Asian threw away rice and said, "I have a lot of this in my country." The Mexican threw away beans and said, "I have a lot of this in my country." The American threw over the Mexican. The Asian was like, "Why did you do that for?" The American said, "We have a lot of these in my country."
has 80.47 % from 1726 votes. More jokes about: racist
What do spongebob and an asian have in common? They're both yellow and cant drive.
has 80.37 % from 1275 votes. More jokes about: car, racist
A Pakistani boy took admission in an American school... Teacher: "Whats your name?" Boy: "Nadir" Teacher: "No, now you are in America, your name is Johnny from today." Boy went home and his mother asked: "How was the day Nadir?" Boy: "I am an American now, so call me Johnny." Mom and Dad both got offended and beat him up. Next day he was back to school all bruised... Teacher: "What happened Johnny?" Boy: "Ma'm, just 6 hours after I became American, I was attacked by two Pakistani terrorists."
has 80.29 % from 1174 votes. More jokes about: racist, school
Hitler calls a meeting of his best soldiers and commanders and tells them "Alright I want to order the assassination of one thousand jews and four hedgehogs." Then one of his generals stands and says "But... Mein furhur why four hedgehogs?" Hitler then smiles and says "See? No one gives a f*ck about the jews."
has 80.23 % from 2078 votes. More jokes about: Hitler, jewish, racist
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