The best Fathers day jokes

By tradition, fathers wear a red flower on Father's Day, if their father is alive and a white flower if he's dead. And if they have a nagging wife and a house full of screaming kids, they wear a pink flower - which means they are living but wish they were dead.
has 76.80 % from 57 votes. More jokes about: dad, death, Fathers day, life
Father's Day always worried James. He was afraid that he will get a gift he can't afford.
has 71.52 % from 23 votes. More jokes about: Fathers day, money
Mothers have Mother's Day and fathers have Father's Day. What do single guys have? Palm Sunday.
has 71.33 % from 99 votes. More jokes about: Fathers day, sex, single
Q: What is the most confusing day in Harlem? A: Father's Day.
has 69.97 % from 541 votes. More jokes about: black people, Fathers day, kids, sex
Happy Father's Day! I got you a present but if you want to get technical then technically you bought it. By the way, can I borrow $20?
has 69.86 % from 26 votes. More jokes about: Fathers day, kids, money
Happy Father's Day to a dad who was smart enough to teach me how to mow the lawn so he would't have to.
has 67.64 % from 28 votes. More jokes about: Fathers day, kids, teacher, work
"Dad, your Father's Day gift is another year of not having to pay for my wedding."
has 67.52 % from 47 votes. More jokes about: Fathers day, kids, money, wedding
"I can't wait for Father's Day" said no man ever.
has 66.45 % from 19 votes. More jokes about: Fathers day, men
What is the perfect Father's Day gift? Taking your Mom away on a vacation with you.
has 63.00 % from 24 votes. More jokes about: family, Fathers day, holiday
Happy Father's Day to someone who knew long before me that all the boys I brought home were jerks.
has 57.35 % from 29 votes. More jokes about: Fathers day, kids, love
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