The best communication jokes

A man asks a guy if he likes fishdicks, the stupid guy answers like this because he thinks that he said fishsticks so he says, "Yes, I Love them." Then the man asks him again and says "Do you like having them in your mouth?" Then the stupid Guy answears like this "Yes I like them in my mouth says the stupid guy confused" Then the man says "What are you, a gayfish?"
has 21.26 % from 72 votes. More jokes about: communication, dirty, gay, stupid
An Asian walks into a McDonald's and says, "I'll Have An Eggroll and Some Fry Rye." "I'm sorry sir we don't serve that. Would you like anything else?" "I have quarter pounder. And when would you like to pick that up...Hiroshima!"
has 21.25 % from 158 votes. More jokes about: asian, black humor, communication, food
Q: What happened to Jesus when he said "Catch me outside, how bout dat"? A: He got crucified
has 18.71 % from 68 votes. More jokes about: black humor, christian, communication, death
An elderly black man goes to see his doctor for help with his sexual performance issues. The doctor explains that Viagra isn't going to work this time. The man goes back to the doctor a month later for a follow-up. This time he is wearing a new tuxedo, shined shoes, and a top-hat. The doctor is impressed and asks what the occasion is. The old man says, "If I'm gonna be impotent I'm gonna look impotent!"
has 3.57 % from 1166 votes. More jokes about: communication, doctor, old people, sex, viagra
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