Yo mamas so fat when she farted she caused global warming!
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Yo mama is so fat when she farts its noise is just a nightingale.
Yo mama is so fat whenever I want to make sex I would request her to fart in order to find the address of her ass.
Yo momma so poor that when she farted she said clap your hands stomp your feet praise to the lord we have heat.
Yo' Mama is so nasty, her farts are classified as biological weapons.
Yo mama is so old, that when she farts all that comes out is dust.
Yo mama so fat the highway patrol made her wear "Caution! Wide Turn"
Yo' Mama is so fat, when she farts, it comes out at the ankles of her tight-ass jeans.
Yo' Mama is so nasty, when her dog farts, she takes the credit.
Yo' Mama is so poor, when she farts, her holey underwear whistles.