The best old people jokes

A old woman took a package to the post office to mail and was told it would cost $3.95 for fast delivery or $2.30 for slower service. “There is no hurry,” she told the clerk, “just so the package is delivered in my lifetime.” He glanced at her and said, “That will be $3.95, please.”
has 61.71 % from 36 votes. More jokes about: money, old people
Teacher: "Who can tell what is a mammal? Little Johnny: "My grand mother!"
has 61.63 % from 122 votes. More jokes about: family, little Johnny, mean, old people, teacher
An old seamstress is slowly walking back to her job from lunch, when a flasher jumps out of an alley and opens his coat wide. The old woman looks him up and down, shakes her head sadly, and says "You call that a lining?"
has 61.63 % from 23 votes. More jokes about: age, old people, work
A retiring farmer in preparation for selling his land, needed to rid his farm of animals. So he went to every house in his town. To the houses where the man is the boss, he gave a horse. To the houses where the woman is the boss, a chicken was given. He got toward the end of the street and saw a couple outside gardening. "Who's the boss around here?" he asked. "I am." said the man. "I have a black horse and a brown horse," the farmer said, "which one would you like?" The man thought for a minute and said, "The black one." "No, no, no, get the brown one." the man's wife said. "Here's your chicken." said the farmer.
has 61.35 % from 57 votes. More jokes about: animal, horse, old people
Yo mama so old, she walked into a museum and found her ex.
has 60.85 % from 32 votes. More jokes about: age, old people, relationship, Yo mama
“Oh, I sure am glad to see you,” the little boy said to his grandmother (on his mother’s side). “Now Daddy will do the trick he’s been promising us.” The grandmother was curious. “What trick is that?” she asked. “He told Mommy that he’d climb the walls if you came to visit,” answered the boy.
has 60.75 % from 35 votes. More jokes about: mother in law, old people
Johnny was playing outside when he really had to go to the bathroom. He runs in and his grandma was about to take a shower. He looks at her crotch and says, "Whats that?" She says: "Well, it's a beaver, Johnny." The next day the same thing happens, only his mom is taking the shower. He says: "Mom I know what that is. It's a beaver, but I think grandma's is dead because it's tongue is hanging out."
has 60.70 % from 191 votes. More jokes about: animal, little Johnny, old people
An elderly gentleman went to see his doctor and asked for a prescription of Viagra. The doctor said, “That’s no problem. How many do you want?” The man answered, “Just a few, maybe 4, but cut each one in 4 pieces.” The doctor said, “That won’t do you any good.” The elderly gentleman said, “That’s all right. I don’t need them for sex anymore as I am over 90 years old. I just want it to stick out far enough so I don’t pee on my shoes.”
has 60.66 % from 41 votes. More jokes about: disgusting, doctor, old people, sex, viagra
“I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older. Then it dawned on me . . . they’re cramming for their final exam.”
has 60.65 % from 44 votes. More jokes about: bible, old people
Q: Why do nursing homes give Viagra to the old men every night? A: It keeps them from rolling out of bed!
has 60.60 % from 113 votes. More jokes about: dirty, nurse, old people, viagra
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