Q: Why did the hipster burn his tongue?
A: Because he ate his food before it was cool.
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I'm so hipster, even I've never heard of my favorite band.
Q: What do gay horses eat?
A: Hay.
Q: Why did the hipster float down the tributary?
A: Because the river was too mainstream.
Q: How many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: You wouldn't know, it's kind of an obscure number.
Hipsters hate rivers.
Too mainstream.
Q: What's a hipster's favorite profession?
A: Mortician. All of his work is 6 feet underground.
Two cannibals were having lunch.
"Your wife makes a great soup," said one to the other.
"Yes!" agreed the first. "But I'm going to miss her terribly."
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A: To go with the traffic jam!
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