The best redneck jokes

You might be a redneck if you think taking a bubble bath starts with eating beans for dinner.
has 71.59 % from 104 votes. More jokes about: disgusting, food, redneck
Two Reasons why it's so hard to solve a redneck murder: Firstly, the DNA all matches and secondly, there are no dental records.
has 71.50 % from 71 votes. More jokes about: death, dentist, life, mean, redneck
During a break on a North Dakota office building project, one of the construction workers approached Pyle. "Ah heard the boys is gonna strike," he said. "What fer?" asked Pyle. "Shorter hours." "Good fer them!" said the redneck. "Ah always did think sixty minutes was too long fer an hour!"
has 71.50 % from 71 votes. More jokes about: geography, office, redneck, stupid, work
You know you're a redneck when your mom, dad, aunt, and uncle are two people.
has 70.18 % from 35 votes. More jokes about: family, redneck
Two Yankee boys were driving through the South and was stopped by a State Trooper. The trooper walked up to the open driver’s window, reached in, and slapped the driver on the side of his head. "What did you do that for?" the driver asked. "I don’t know how yall do it up north but here in Alabama, you have your drivers license ready when I walk up to the car." The trooper took the license when it was offered, walked back to his unit and then returned the license to the driver. He then walked around to the passenger side of the car and tapped on the window. When the passenger rolled the window down, the trooper reached in and slapped the passenger on the side of the head. "What did you do that for?" asked the startled passenger. "Well," responded the trooper, "I didn’t want you to be disappointed. You’ll get about two miles down the road and then say, 'I wish that redneck woulda tried that with me!'"
has 69.52 % from 104 votes. More jokes about: car, cop, driving, redneck, travel
Reporter: "Excuse me, may I interview you?" Man: "Yes!" Reporter: "Name?" Man: "Abdul Al-Rhazim." Reporter: "Sex?" Man: "Three to five times a week." Reporter: "No no! I mean male or female?" Man: "Yes, male, female... sometimes camel." Reporter: "Holy cow!" Man: "Yes, cow, sheep... animals in general." Reporter: "But isn't that hostile?" Man: "Yes, horse style, dog style, any style." Reporter: "Oh dear!" Man: "No, no deer. Deer run too fast. Hard to catch."
has 69.15 % from 267 votes. More jokes about: animal, communication, dirty, redneck, sex
Marley stopped at the town barbershop for a haircut. After thirty-five minutes of snipping and cutting, the barber held a mirror behind Marley's head. "How you like it?" asked the barber. "Real fine," said the redneck. "But how 'bout making it a little longer in the back?"
has 67.15 % from 39 votes. More jokes about: beauty, redneck, stupid, time
Q: What do a tornado and a redneck divorce have in common? A: In the end, someone is going to lose a trailer.
has 66.69 % from 74 votes. More jokes about: divorce, redneck
So a dude turns to the guy next to him at a bar and asks, "Hey, you wanna hear a redneck story?" The guy says, "Buddy, I'm six feet, 210 pounds, an' ma name's Billy Joe. You see the guy on the other side of you? That there's Bubba. He's 225 pounds of solid muscle and he's a redneck. And the boy next to him? Mike's a trucker who weighs 295 and he's a redneck, too. Now, do you still want to tell your redneck story?" The fella says, "Naw, you're right... I'd hate to have to explain it three times!"
has 65.86 % from 48 votes. More jokes about: communication, redneck, stupid
You know you're a redneck if your house still has the "WIDE LOAD" sign on the back.
has 64.73 % from 63 votes. More jokes about: redneck, stupid
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