The best age jokes

Why doesnt a man eat out an 80 year old woman? Ever opened up a grilled cheese?
has 31.68 % from 44 votes. More jokes about: age, disgusting, food
What is so special about the retirement age? "It is the time when one acquires sufficient experience to lose one's job."
has 31.06 % from 21 votes. More jokes about: age, old people, work
Did you hear about the 9 year old African nigglet? He was going through a mid-life crisis.
has 30.25 % from 86 votes. More jokes about: age, black people
Your mamma so old that her first Christmas was the first Christmas when Jusse said his first words you a hoe.
has 29.42 % from 33 votes. More jokes about: age, Christmas, Yo mama
I saw the priest watching pornography. Should I get jelous? -Johnny, 11 years old.
has 29.30 % from 159 votes. More jokes about: age, little Johnny, priest
A mother was reading a book about animals to her 3 year old daughter. Mother: "What does the cow say?" Child: "Moo!" Mother: "Great! What does the cat say?" Child: "Meow." Mother: "Oh, you're so smart! What does the frog say?" And this wide-eyed little 3 year-old looked up at her mother and in her deepest voice replied, "Bud."
has 28.45 % from 20 votes. More jokes about: age, animal, kids
Q: What did the pedophile say when he was released from prison? A: "I feel like a kid again."
has 27.71 % from 84 votes. More jokes about: age, disgusting, prison
Q: How old is your son, the one living with you. A: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which. Q: How long has he lived with you? A: Forty-five years.
has 27.24 % from 18 votes. More jokes about: age
A: What does 70-year-old p***y taste like? A: Depends.
has 26.83 % from 24 votes. More jokes about: age, disgusting, old people
Wine improves with age – the older you get the more you like it.
has 24.92 % from 8 votes. More jokes about: age, time, wife
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