Yo' Mama is like a bag of chips: Fri-to-lay.
What is a cow's favorite lunch meat?
What do you get when you cross a rabbit with an elephant?
An elephant who never forgets to eat his carrots.
Why did the Pilgrims eat turkey on Thanksgiving?
They couldn't get the moose in the oven!
First cannibal: "I can't find anything to eat!"
Second cannibal: "But the jungle's full of people."
First cannibal: "Yes, but they're all very unsavory."
Q: Where do blondes go to meet their relatives?
A: The vegetable garden.
Chuck Norris knows what's eating Gilbert Grape.
Did you hear about the blonde who was a really good cook?
She could get pop tarts out of the toaster in one piece!
How did the cannibal turn over a new leaf?
He became a vegetarian.
Q: What do blondes eat to increase their breast size?
A: Silicone chips.