The best insulting jokes

Yo mama is so fat Jesus can't hold her holy spirit.
has 46.54 % from 13 votes. More jokes about: fat, god, insulting, Yo mama
Yo' Mama is so stanky, she gets sourdough yeast infections.
has 46.54 % from 13 votes. More jokes about: health, insulting, Yo mama
Mike: "Hey Joe. My girl friend always gets offended whenever I tell her jokes about bald people." Joe: "Is your girl friend bald?" Mike: "No. She"s a blonde."
has 46.20 % from 22 votes. More jokes about: blonde, friendship, insulting, relationship, stupid
Q: What do you get if you cross a football team with a flower center? A: Nottingham forest.
has 46.20 % from 22 votes. More jokes about: football, insulting, sport
Yo mama is so stupid that she thinks Tiger Woods is a forest in India.
has 46.18 % from 35 votes. More jokes about: geography, golf, insulting, stupid, Yo mama
Your mama is such a wh*re, that all the men use her just like a roundabout, everyone take's a turn
has 46.10 % from 8 votes. More jokes about: insulting, Yo mama
Yo' Mama is so hairy, she has to part the hair on her butt to go to the bathroom.
has 45.58 % from 15 votes. More jokes about: insulting, Yo mama
Yo momma is so fat, that when NASA put her on the moon, her breasts were the only things bouncing... just like on earth.
has 45.53 % from 47 votes. More jokes about: dirty, fat, insulting, science, Yo mama
Yo Mamma so fat I took a picture of her last month, and it's still printing.
has 45.52 % from 26 votes. More jokes about: fat, insulting, Yo mama
Yo' Mama is so skanky, when yo' daddy suggested doggie style, she laid down and licked her balls.
has 45.52 % from 26 votes. More jokes about: dad, insulting, sex, Yo mama
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