The best sex jokes

Baby, baby, baby ooh! Mom: *walks in* Are you listening to Justin Bieber? Daughter: No, I'm watching porn. Mom: Oh, thank goodness.
has 78.97 % from 186 votes. More jokes about: life, music, sex
Q: Why do accountants make good lovers? A: They're great with figures.
has 78.96 % from 828 votes. More jokes about: accountant, nerd, sex
Two men visit a prostitute. The first man goes into the bedroom. He comes out ten minutes later and says, ‘Heck. My wife is better than that.’ The second man goes in. He comes out ten minutes later and says, ‘You know? Your wife IS better.’
has 78.95 % from 1153 votes. More jokes about: sex
A High School English Teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam. She tells the class that there would be no excuse for not showing up, except for a serious injury or illness, or a death in the student's immediate family. One smart-ass jock in the back of the room asks, "What about extreme sexual exhaustion?" The entire class does its best to stifle their laughter and snickering. When silence is restored the teacher smiles sympathetically at the student, shakes her head, and sweetly says, "Not an excuse. You can use your other hand to write with."
has 78.93 % from 2508 votes. More jokes about: death, family, school, sex, teacher
6 year old kid looking at Mom's ID card. Sex: F He laughs. Mom: "Whats so funny?" Kid: "I can't believe you're so bad in sex that you failed in it." Husband died laughing.
has 78.77 % from 152 votes. More jokes about: family, kids, sex, wife
I could never fight a gay guy. I don't know how to start. "I'm gonna beat your ass... I mean I'm gonna f*ck you up... no, I mean I'm stick my foot so far up your ass.. no, not like that, I mean Fuck you, damn it, I give up
has 78.75 % from 1162 votes. More jokes about: dirty, gay, sex
What did one tit say to the other? I hope we get support soon or people will think we're nuts.
has 78.73 % from 108 votes. More jokes about: dirty, sex
A woman walks into a chemist’s and asks if they sell extra-large condoms. ‘Yes, we do,’ says the sales assistant. ‘Would you like to buy some?’ ‘No thanks,’ replies the woman. ‘But if you don’t mind, I’ll wait here for someone who does.’
has 78.72 % from 684 votes. More jokes about: sex
Q: What food diminishes a woman's sex drive by 90%? A: Her wedding cake.
has 78.70 % from 1326 votes. More jokes about: food, marriage, sex, wedding
My 1st time having sex. I suddenly stopped and didn't move. She: "What are you doing?" Me: "I've seen this on YouPorn, it's called Buffering.
has 78.69 % from 961 votes. More jokes about: dirty, sex
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