Best jokes ever

A policeman pulled a blonde over after she'd been driving the wrong way on a one-way street. Cop: "Do you know where your going?" Blonde: "No, but wherever it is, it must be bad 'cause all the people are leaving.
has 57.36 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: cop
How did the blonde try to kill the bird?? She threw it off a cliff.
has 57.36 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: animal
What do you call a bear with no teeth? (A gummy bear!)
has 57.36 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: animal
Q. Why did the woman bury her husband 12 feet under? A. Because deep down he's a good person.
has 57.36 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: men
Q. Why do men name their penises? A. Because they don't want ninety per cent of their decisions made by a perfect stranger.
has 57.36 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: men
Gemma:My dog doesn't have a nose. Ortoise: How does he smell? Gemma: Awful!
has 57.36 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: animal
Why is it that when a man talks nasty to a women it’s sexual harassment, but when a women talks nasty to a man it’s £3.99 a minute?
has 57.36 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: money
‘If you’re being chased by a police dog, try not to go through a tunnel, then on to a little seesaw, then jump through a hoop of fire. They’re trained for that.’
has 57.36 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: cop
Yo momma’s so fat, her belly button doesn’t have lint, it has sweaters.
has 57.36 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: Yo mama
Yo momma’s so fat, when she auditioned for a part in Indiana Jones she got the part of the big rolling ball.
has 57.36 % from 11 votes. More jokes about: Yo mama
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