The best blonde jokes

Two blondes were talking together: First: "How about your engaged Jim? Is he keeping well?" Second: "He isn't just now my engaged." First: Hi good news. His nose was too big and his head was bald with an ugly face!" Second: "He is now my husband!"
has 63.58 % from 86 votes. More jokes about: blonde, communication, husband, stupid, ugly
A redhead, a blonde and a brunette were stuck on an island and had to get back home from the island. The redhead swims half way and drowns. The brunette swims half way and drowns too. The blonde swims halfway gets tired and swims back.
has 63.57 % from 64 votes. More jokes about: blonde, desert island, redneck, sport, stupid
As a blonde crawls out of her wrecked car, the local sheriff asks her what happened. The blonde began, "It was the strangest thing! I looked up and saw a tree, so I swerved to the right. Then I saw another tree, so I swerved to left. Then there was another tree, and another and another ..." The sheriff thought for a minute and then said, "Mam ... I don't know how to tell you this, but the only thing even resembling a tree on this road for thirty miles is your air freshener."
has 63.32 % from 54 votes. More jokes about: blonde, car
Why do blondes like blonde jokes? 'Cause they make them feel famous!
has 63.22 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: blonde
A blonde heard that milk baths would make her more beautiful, so she left a note for her milkman to leave 15 gallons of milk. When the milkman read the note, he felt there must be a mistake. He thought she probably meant 1.5 gallons, so he knocked on the door to clarify the point. The blonde came to the door and the milkman said, "I found your Note to leave 15 gallons of milk. Did you mean 1.5 gallons?" The blonde said, "I want 15 gallons of milk. I'm going to fill my bathtub up with milk and take a milk bath". The milkman asked, "Do you want it pasteurized?" The blonde said, "No, just up to my boobs."
has 63.22 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: blonde
A blonde was driving across several states to go visit her family. She was five hours late and her family was getting worried. When she finally got there she explained that she had seen 10 signs that said “CLEAN RESTROOMS AHEAD...”
has 63.22 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: blonde
I looked into a blonde's eyes, but all I saw was the back of her head!
has 63.17 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: blonde
During her company's periodic password audit, a blond employee was found to be using this password: GoofyHueyLouieDeweyDaisyDonaldMickeyMinniePhoenix When she was asked why she had such a long password, she said, "The boss said that my password had to be at least eight characters long and have at least one capital."
has 63.17 % from 17 votes. More jokes about: blonde
How many blondes does it take to milk a cow? Five - one to hold the udder, and four to lift and the cow up and down.
has 63.00 % from 24 votes. More jokes about: blonde
Doctor: "Yes, what is it I can do for you?" Blond: "Doctor, yesterday, when I was doing my yoga, one of my friends told me that if I did this particular exercise, all my body’s blood would go into my head. But, when I stand, why doesn’t anyone say that all the blood would go into the legs?" Doctor: "The fact’s your legs are not that hollow as your head is."
has 63.00 % from 24 votes. More jokes about: blonde, doctor, fitness
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