There was a little boy sitting on a curb in one hand he had a cat and the other a box of smarties.
Every so often he would pop a smartie bite the cat get up and move down to the curb.
There is a man watching this young boy and wonders what he's doing once again the kid pops a smartie bites the cat gets up and moves down on the curb.
So the man comes outside and yells to the boy but the boy ignores him and continues popping a smartie biting the cat and moving down the curb.
Finally the man screams hey kid "what are you doing?"
The boy looks back and says "who? me?"
The man says "yes."
The little boy responds "Well sir I'm playing trucker."
The man confused says "What do you mean playing trucker."
The little boy then says "Yes, playing trucker I'm popping pills, eating pussy and moving down the road."
Q: Who was the first cat to fly in an airplane?
A: Kitty-hawk
Go to your back door and look for the dog.
If the dog is at the door and he is wet, it's probably raining.
But if the dog is standing there really soaking wet, it is probably raining really hard.
If the dog's fur looks like it's been rubbed the wrong way, it's probably windy.
If the dog has snow on his back, it's probably snowing.
Of course, to be able to tell the weather like this, you have to leave the dog outside all the time, especially if you expect bad weather.
Yours sincerely,
Q: What is a French cat's favorite dessert?
A: Chocolate mousse.
Q: What is a black cat's favorite color?
A: Purrrrrr-ple!
If Chuck Norris were a cat he would have ten lives.
Q: What is worst than raining black cats and bloodhounds?
A: Hailing taxi cabs!
Chuck Norris isn't a cat person but if he was, he would own 3 lions, a snow leopard, and cougar.
Q: What do you call a cat that wants to have sex?
A: freak.
Q: Why did the silly kid try to feed pennies to the cat?
A: Because his mother told him to put money in the kitty.