The best communication jokes

My friend to me "I don't understand why Chuck Norris is the butt of so many jokes." Me to the friend "Well he does kick a lot of them."
has 44.13 % from 21 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, communication, friendship
A woman came to his doctor with a left knee that was shot through. The doctor asked her: "What does it mean? Why did you shoot accurately your left knee?" The woman tells him only: "Sorry, but, you doctor, have told me that the heart is located two thumbs under my left breast."
has 43.61 % from 27 votes. More jokes about: communication, dirty, doctor, women
There were 3 people on a boat, Chuck Norris, Jesus, and the Penelope, Jesus said "I bet I can walk across the water." He did, Chuck Norris tried, he did, the Penelope said "They did it that means I do it." , He tried, he sank, Jesus said: "Should I have told him about the rocks?" Chuck Norris said "What rocks?"
has 43.58 % from 55 votes. More jokes about: celebrity, christian, Chuck Norris, communication
You momma so stupid I see her walking the pigs down the street I'd asked "What she doing?" And she said "Going piggy back riding"!
has 43.52 % from 29 votes. More jokes about: animal, communication, stupid, Yo mama
Q: What did the baby owl's parents say when he wanted to go to a party? A: "You're not owld enough."
has 43.52 % from 29 votes. More jokes about: age, baby, bird, communication, party
Chuck Norris once ordered a steak in a restaurant. The steak did what it was told.
has 43.46 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, communication, food
There was a crooked woman, who ran a crooked mile. She found a crooked Weiner, who always made her smile. She belongs in prison, for she is just a crook. And if you don't believe me, you can read it in her book.
has 43.44 % from 45 votes. More jokes about: communication, poems, prison, women
Chuck Norris is the reason why Mickey mouse talks like that.
has 43.39 % from 39 votes. More jokes about: celebrity, Chuck Norris, communication
Q: What do you call that useless piece of skin around a vagina? A: A woman.
has 43.31 % from 76 votes. More jokes about: communication, dirty, vulgar, women
Me "Hi! Welcome to McDonald's! Can I take your Mcorder?" Boss "You don't have to put Mc in front of everything." Me "Oh okay. Hi! Welcome to Donalds! Can I take your order?" Boss "Get out."
has 43.02 % from 87 votes. More jokes about: business, communication, customer service, management, work
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