Chuck Norris once starred in Wheel of Fortune.
The last twenty nine minutes were spent in an awkward silence, waiting for the wheel to stop spinning.
When Chuck Norris was a kid he didn't play with Lincoln Logs, he built real houses.
It was tough for me, got caught up: cutting class, drinking, smoking, gambling, raping and pillaging the town.
What I'm trying to tell you is the fifth grade was hell for me, alright?
Chuck Norris can finish a Super Mario game with just one arrow key.
Chuck Norris beat Super Mario Galaxie 2 in the big dipper... before Nintendo was invented.
How do you know when a baby is a dead baby?
The dog plays with it more.
Chuck Norris can solve the Towers of Hanoi in one move.
Yo mama so ugly, she's the reason Mario jumps high.
Notice, there are no Chuck Norris video games. They would be way too easy.
Chuck Norris just completed a full round of Golf... In 17 shots.