Yo mama so fat when she went sky diving in a blue jump suit, all the kids below said, "Ahhhh! The sky is falling!"
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An ugly, fat, bad woman with two kids enters Wal Mart, shouting angry at the kids with no reason.
The man at the reception says cheerfully to her: "Good morning and welcome to Wal-Mart. Cute kids! Are they twins?"
The horrible woman stopped shouting, just enough to say, "Hell, they’ re not twins… The older is 9 and the other is 7! Are you blind or just stupid?"
"No madam... I’m neither blind nor stupid... I just can’t get that there’s a man out there who had sex with you twice."
Yo Momma So Fat The Only Letters She Knows In The Alphabet Are K.F.C!
Guy: "You see doc, the problem is obesity runs in the family."
Doctor: "No, the problem is no one runs in your family."
Yo' Mama is so ugly, her imaginary friend played with other kids.
Yo momma so fat when she goes camping the bears hide their food.
Yo Momma is so fat…
That she broke a branch in her family tree!
Your mama is so ugly, that she made a blind kid cry.
Yo mama so fat it took nationwide 3 years to get on her side.
Yo momma is so fat when she walked by the TV i missed 3 episodes!