The best political jokes

Obama's health care plan won't cover injuries caused by a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick to the face. Nobody would survive anyway.
has 34.13 % from 24 votes. More jokes about: celebrity, Chuck Norris, health, political
Chuck Norris doesn't run for President; the President runs for Vice God Chuck Norris.
has 32.30 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, political, work
Q: How many Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb? A: 200. Ten to attach the bulb to the sun, and 190 to make the sun revolve around the Earth.
has 31.97 % from 57 votes. More jokes about: light bulb, political, republican, stupid
Donald Trump is a vain, arrogant, hateful pig. That's why Americans voted him in - he's just like them.
has 27.67 % from 168 votes. More jokes about: ethnic, insulting, political, republican
One day President Trump's motorcade was heading to the Mexican border to see first hand progress on The Wall. All of a sudden a naked lone figure was seen bent over on the side of the road. Wanting to help the president ordered the motorcade to stop. He got out and approached the figure and suddenly realized it was Nancy Pelosi. She was naked with her wrists handcuffed to her ankles. The president said, "OMG Nancy what happened?" She cried out that she was kidnapped by a bunch of people wearing MAGA hats and left to die! The president said "Well I'm not going to let that happen" as he was unzipping his zipper. He yelled out to the motorcade "OK boys the line starts behind me"
has 25.32 % from 95 votes. More jokes about: celebrity, death, dirty, mexican, political
If Chuck Norris ran for president, the competition would drop out, and he would get infinite terms.
has 23.04 % from 104 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, political
Well goodnight everyone. I have to get up early tomorrow to do nothing and still make more money than all of you!
has 21.06 % from 49 votes. More jokes about: money, political, republican
What did Barack Obama become after his forty-seventh year? "Forty-eight years old."
has 14.46 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: age, men, political
"Hey, today we got the four of clubs. A guy named Samir al-Aziz, a Ba'ath party bad guy. And we now have the four of clubs, the five of clubs, the five of spades and the seven of diamonds. I don't know what game they're playing at the White House, but today, when it was confirmed that we had the four of clubs, Condoleezza Rice had to take off her blouse." Bill Maher "The Pentagon said this week that the war in Iraq has cost $20 billion so far. The breakdown is operations: $10 billion; personnel: $6 billion; getting Bush re-elected: priceless." Bill Maher "The president boasted at the top of his press conference that we have the support now of Britain and Spain for our attack on Iraq. You know, when you want to make it perfectly clear to the world that you're not an imperialist, the people you want in your corner are Britain and Spain." Bill Maher "Iraq now says that it will, after all, destroy its missiles. President Bush said, 'Please, I used to pull the same trick. There'd be an intervention, I'd make a big show of pouring out the liquor and then there was a case under the floorboards.'" Bill Maher.
has 13.16 % from 153 votes. More jokes about: ethnic, money, political, racist
A Liberal found a magic genie's lamp and rubbed it. The genie said, "I will grant you one wish." He said, "I wish I were smarter". So the genie made him a Republican.
has 10.35 % from 792 votes. More jokes about: democrat, genie, political, republican, stupid
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