The best stupid jokes

Police officer: "Can you identify yourself, sir?" Driver pulls out his mirror and says: "Yes, it's me."
has 76.85 % from 124 votes. More jokes about: cop, driving, stupid
There are three moms. A Brunette, a Redhead, and a Blonde. They were all talking one day and the brunette says "Oh my gosh y'all I went through my daughter's purse the other day to get some gum, and I found an ounce of weed. I cannot believe she smokes weed" They comfort her, and the redhead says "Yeah, well I found a fake I. D. In my daughter's purse. I cannot believe she has one". So they all comfort her. Then the blonde says "That's nothing. I found a condom in my daughter's purse. I just cannot believe she has a penis"
has 76.63 % from 157 votes. More jokes about: blonde, ginger, sex, stupid, weed
Patty was quietly minding her own business, eating her soup alone in her booth at a local eatery, when a voice startled her from behind. It was the guy in the booth behind her. "Not so loud!" he said. "What?" she questioned, as she took another spoonful of soup. "I said not so loud!" was his muffled reply. Embarrassed at being told she was slurping her soup, she pushed away her bowl and started her grilled cheese sandwich. "How was your day?" questioned the man from behind once again. "Pretty good" responded Patty, confused that this stranger would care. "Did you pass the exam?" came the next question from behind. "I don't know, I didn't get my grade yet" replied a thoroughly bewildered Patty. "I'll have to call you back when I'm out of here", came the voice from behind once again, "some nut job is answering every question I ask you!
has 76.59 % from 67 votes. More jokes about: food, stupid, work
Q: Why did the blonde buy a brown cow? A: To get chocolate milk.
has 76.32 % from 61 votes. More jokes about: animal, blonde, chocolate, stupid
Yo mama so stupid she tried to make an appointment with Dr.pepper
has 76.16 % from 778 votes. More jokes about: stupid, Yo mama
A blonde, a brunette and a redhead are all stuck on a deserted island together. The island is 20 miles from the nearest inhabited island so they all decide to try to swim there. The redhead makes it 10 miles, is exhausted, gives up, and drowns. The brunette makes it 15 miles before she's too tired to go any farther and drowns. The blonde gets 19 miles away from the deserted island, decides she's too tired to go any farther, and swims all the way back to the deserted island.
has 76.01 % from 195 votes. More jokes about: blonde, desert island, ginger, stupid, travel
A Twitter exchange between an angry customer and an apologetic Domino's Pizza: Customer: "Yoooo I ordered a Pizza & Came with no Toppings on it or anything, it's Just Bread" Domino's: "We're sorry to hear about this!" Customer (minutes later): "Never mind, I opened the pizza upside down :/"
has 75.96 % from 39 votes. More jokes about: customer service, food, stupid, technology, time
Two blondes are on opposite sides of a lake. One blonde yells to the other, "How do you get to the other side?" "You are on the other side," the other blonde yells back.
has 75.90 % from 75 votes. More jokes about: blonde, communication, stupid, travel
Your mom is so stupid she tried to drown a fish.
has 75.72 % from 620 votes. More jokes about: fish, insulting, stupid, Yo mama
Three blondes are stranded on an island. A fairy comes along and says that she will grant each person a wish. So the first blonde says she wants to be really smart so she digs and finds a cell phone and calls the Army. The second blonde says that she wants to be even smarter so she finds a flair and sets it off. The third blonde says that she wants to be even smarter than both of them, so the fairy changes her hair color to black and she says,"Let's go over the bridge."
has 75.46 % from 195 votes. More jokes about: blonde, desert island, phone, stupid
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