The best white people jokes

AT WORK, Michael: Why you white guys always so happy? Casey: Because I make love to my wife every morning before work. Michael: Say whaaat? You get her to make love EVERY morning? How do you do that? Casey: It's easy, I just say a poem, women love poems and will fall for them all the time. Michael: Ok, what kind of poem can you say to make her make love every morning? Casey: I say, "blonde hair, blonde hair, eyes of blue, I love to wake up and make love to you. Michael: HAHAAA she falls for that? Casey: yes you should try it. NEXT DAY TYRONE COMES IN WITH BLACK EYE FAT LIP AND A TOOTH MISSING. Casey: What happened to you? Michael: Well, I said a poem to my wife and she didn't like it. Casey: She didn't like it? What did you say? Michael: Nappy head, nappy head, eyes like a frog, if I could roll your fat ass over I would do you like a dog.
has 64.35 % from 427 votes. More jokes about: black people, poems, sex, white people
Q: What's the scariest thing about a white man in prison? A: You know that he actually did it.
has 62.43 % from 183 votes. More jokes about: prison, white people
A white boy and a black boy were arguing one day. The white boy screams "God is white!" The black boy screams "God is black!" This goes on and on for about an hour when all of a sudden there comes a loud crack of lightning and the heavens open up and a booming voice says "I am what I am." The white boy jumps up and says "See, I told you so!" To which the black boy says "How does that prove God's white?" The white boy replies "Because if God were black he would have said, "I is what I is."
has 62.30 % from 211 votes. More jokes about: black people, communication, insulting, kids, white people
When a white person delivers an asian baby. White person: "Congratulations he looks like your husband... mom... cousin... uncle... neighbor..."
has 61.24 % from 307 votes. More jokes about: asian, racist, white people
Q: What do you call a white guy who needs to go somewhere across town but does not own an automobile? A: A taxi.
has 60.15 % from 779 votes. More jokes about: black people, car, white people, work
Q: What do men and garbage bags have in common? A: Black are bigger than white.
has 60.09 % from 223 votes. More jokes about: black people, dirty, insulting, racist, white people
Q. What do you call 300 white men chasing a black man? A. The PGA tour
has 58.25 % from 274 votes. More jokes about: black people, golf, sport, white people
Q: How do you know Noah was a White man? A: No nigger could stay on a boat for 40 days without eating the chickens!
has 54.50 % from 757 votes. More jokes about: animal, black people, food, racist, white people
A white man walks into a bar and says to a bartender "Hey nigger. Gimme a beer". The bartender says "Don't say that to me. What happened if I said something like that to you?". "The white man says "I don't know lets find out". They switch places. The black comes in and said "Hey honkey, gimme a f*ckin' beer". The white man says "Sorry. We don't serve niggers"
has 53.85 % from 404 votes. More jokes about: bar, bartender, beer, racist, white people
An Indian and an African walk into a bar... Just jokin'. It's just two liberal white women.
has 53.40 % from 210 votes. More jokes about: bar, democrat, political, racist, white people