The best Yo mama jokes

Yo mama so fat she has more chins than a Chinese phone book.
has 75.84 % from 285 votes. More jokes about: asian, fat, Yo mama
Your mom is so stupid she tried to drown a fish.
has 75.72 % from 620 votes. More jokes about: fish, insulting, stupid, Yo mama
Yo mamma so ugly that her birth certificate came with an apology letter from the condom factory.
has 75.67 % from 421 votes. More jokes about: insulting, ugly, Yo mama
Yo mama is so stupid, when I offered her animal crackers she said no thanks, I'm a vegetarian.
has 75.61 % from 389 votes. More jokes about: animal, insulting, Yo mama
Yo mama so fat when she went sky diving in a blue jump suit, all the kids below said, "Ahhhh! The sky is falling!"
has 75.57 % from 173 votes. More jokes about: fat, kids, sport, Yo mama
Your momma so fat when she step on the scales her phone number came up.
has 75.35 % from 550 votes. More jokes about: fat, phone, Yo mama
Yo mama so fat when she burped New Orleans thought Katrina came back to finish the job.
has 75.25 % from 278 votes. More jokes about: fat, insulting, weather, Yo mama
Yo mama's so fat when she sat on a tree it made paper.
has 75.22 % from 175 votes. More jokes about: fat, insulting, vulgar, Yo mama
Yo mama is so fat, she got arrested at the airport for ten pounds of crack.
has 75.02 % from 384 votes. More jokes about: insulting, Yo mama
Yo momma's so fat; she's on both sides of the family!
has 75.00 % from 362 votes. More jokes about: insulting, Yo mama
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