Best jokes ever

Q: When does a person decide to become an accountant? A: When he realizes he doesn't have the charisma to succeed as an undertaker.
has 78.59 % from 18 votes. More jokes about: accountant, life
At Christmas time, there's nothing I love more than sitting in front of a warm fire, mulled wine in hand, and singing Christmas songs until I slowly fall asleep. Maybe that's why I'm no longer a fireman.
has 78.59 % from 85 votes. More jokes about: Christmas, music, time, wine, work
A man in Amsterdam feels the need to confess, so he goes to his priest. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. During WWII, I hid a refugee in my attic." "Well," answers the priest, "that's not a sin."' "But I made him agree to pay me 20 guilders for every week he stayed." "I admit that wasn't good, but you did it for a good cause." "Oh, thank you, Father. That eases my mind. I have one more question." "What is that, my son?" "Do I have to tell him the war is over?"
has 78.56 % from 363 votes. More jokes about: geography, military, priest, sex, war
My attitude isn't bad. It's in beta.
has 78.55 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: geek, IT
My Grandma is in her 90's and she still doesn't need glasses. She just drinks straight out of the bottle.
has 78.55 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: age, alcohol, health
Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
has 78.55 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: life, money
If the customer is always right, then why isn't everything free?
has 78.55 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: customer service, money
Two lawyers were walking along negotiating a case. "Look," said one, "let's be honest with each other." "Okay, you first," replied the other. That was the end of the discussion.
has 78.55 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: communication, lawyer
Why did God create man before woman? He didn't want any advice!
has 78.55 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: women
We live in the era of smart phones and stupid people.
has 78.55 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: life
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