Best jokes ever

Two young boys were spending the night at their grandparents the week before Christmas. At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers when the youngest one began praying at the top of his lungs. "I PRAY FOR A NEW BICYCLE..." "I PRAY FOR A NEW NINTENDO..." "I PRAY FOR A NEW STEREO..." His older brother leaned over and nudged the younger brother and said, "Why are you shouting your prayers? God isn't deaf." To which the little brother replied, "No, but Grandma is!"
has 75.77 % from 99 votes. More jokes about: Christmas, family, kids, technology
Q: What is the difference between a mouse and a dick? A: No difference. Both are searching a hole.
has 75.75 % from 202 votes. More jokes about: animal, dirty, sex
I was walking by a car filled with black kids, and I heard a *click* as they locked the doors. I felt like such a bad-ass until I realized it was my car.
has 75.75 % from 1673 votes. More jokes about: black people, car, kids, racist
Your mom is so stupid she tried to drown a fish.
has 75.72 % from 620 votes. More jokes about: fish, insulting, stupid, Yo mama
A man is out shopping when he discovers a new brand of Olympic condoms. He buys a pack and shows his wife. ‘They’re in three colours,’ he tells her, ‘Gold, silver and bronze.’ ‘So what colour are you going to wear tonight?’ she asks. ‘Gold of course,’ replies the man. ‘Why don’t you wear silver?’ replies his wife. ‘It would be nice if you came second for a change!’
has 75.72 % from 270 votes. More jokes about: sex
Q: What's Mexicans favorite video game. A: Borderlands.
has 75.72 % from 694 votes. More jokes about: game, mexican, racist
My memory has gotten so bad it has actually caused me to lose my job. I'm still employed. I just can't remember where.
has 75.70 % from 174 votes. More jokes about: geography, memory, work
My Chinese friend died recently, So Yung.
has 75.69 % from 606 votes. More jokes about: asian, death, ethnic
Three guys compare their levels of intoxication from a party the previous night. The first guy says, "Man, I was so drunk last night, I went home and blew chunks." The second guy says, "I was so drunk last night, I woke up this morning on my front porch." The third guy says, "I was so drunk last night, I took a prostitute home to my wife." The first guy exclaims, "You guys don't understand! Chunks is my dog!"
has 75.69 % from 328 votes. More jokes about: disgusting, dog, drunk, party, wife
A teacher was telling her students about human anatomy in a sex education class. She took her pointer and pointed to the picture of a male and a female. "The female has two breasts and one vagina. The male has one penis." A little boy in the front row jumped up and said that the teacher was wrong. "My daddy has two penises. He has a short one that he pees with and a long one that he brushes Mommy's teeth with!"
has 75.69 % from 160 votes. More jokes about: dirty, sex, student, teacher
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