Best jokes ever

Girl: I get horny everytime I hear something sexual, it's weird I know, but anyway, what's your name? Me: Sir BJ Anal The 69th.
has 74.23 % from 817 votes. More jokes about: dirty, sex
How do you kill 10,000 Mexicans? Throw a peso over a cliff. How do you kill 10,000 more? Tell them nobody got it.
has 74.23 % from 376 votes. More jokes about: death, mexican, racist
Chuck Norris is the only weapon allowed through airport security
has 74.23 % from 181 votes. More jokes about: airplane, Chuck Norris
Q: Why did the hipster burn his tongue? A: Because he ate his food before it was cool.
has 74.21 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: food, hipster
I used to play tennis, baseball, basketball and chess, but I stopped after my son broke my playstation.
has 74.21 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: life, sport, technology
The clerk walks into the boss's office and says, "The auditors have just left, sir." "Have they finished checking the books?", asks the boss. "Very thoroughly," is the reply. "Well, what did they say", says the boss. "They want 15% to keep quiet."
has 74.21 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: accountant, management, money
Always be yourself. Unless you can be quiet, then be that.
has 74.21 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: life
Q: How did the pirate get through School? A: By sailing on high C's.
has 74.21 % from 79 votes. More jokes about: pirate, school
Two rednecks from Arkansas were out hunting. They decided to separate to get a better chance of catching something. The first redneck says to the other, "If you get lost, fire three shots into the air every hour. That way I can pinpoint you and find you." After about three hours, the second redneck finds he is really lost. He decides to fire three shots into the air as the first man told him. He then waits an hour and does it again. He repeats this until he is out of ammo. The next morning, the first redneck finds the second with the help of forest rangers. He asks the second redneck man if he did what he told him to do. The redneck answers, "Yes, I fired three shots into the air every hour on the hour until I ran out of arrows."
has 74.21 % from 79 votes. More jokes about: hunting, redneck, stupid, time
A blonde was speeding in a 35 mile per hour zone when a local police officer pulled her over and walked up to the car. The officer also happened to be a blonde and she asked for the blonde's driver's license. The driver searched frantically in her purse for a while and finally said to the blonde policewoman, "What does a driver's license look like?" Irritated, the blonde cop said, "You dummy, it's got your picture on it!" The blonde driver frantically searched her purse again and found a small, rectangular mirror down at the bottom. She held it up to her face and said, "Aha! This must be my driver's license" and handed it to the blonde policewoman. The blonde cop looked in the mirror, handed it back to the driver and said, "You're free to go. And, if I had known you were a police officer too, we could have avoided all of this."
has 74.21 % from 79 votes. More jokes about: blonde, car, cop
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