Best jokes ever

Yo mama is so stupid that she went to the store to buy a color TV and asked what colors they had.
has 59.75 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: business, stupid, Yo mama
Yo mama's so ugly that slender-man ran from her. She's also the reason why slender-man doesn't have eyes.
has 59.75 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: celebrity, insulting, ugly, Yo mama
A married couple has invoked the ghosts, after 15 minutes of invoking has appeared only the face of the grandmother of the man. The married couple has asked the grandmother together: "What would you like to tell us dear granny? " The granny has said: "I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Have a nice day!"
has 59.75 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: couple, marriage, mean, old people, time
Yo mama so fat she uses a highway for a slide.
has 59.75 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: driving, fat, Yo mama
When Adam asked Eve out for dinner she replied: "Oh I'd love to, but I haven't a thing to wear."
has 59.75 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: god, love, women
What do a rattlesnake and a soft penis have in common? You can't f**k with either one.
has 59.74 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: animal, dirty
Q: How many Apple Iphone 6 early adopters does it take to change a light bulb? A: 3001. 1 to do the work and 3000 to go online and bitch about the lack of obscure features!
has 59.74 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: IT, light bulb, phone, technology, work
Q: Why did the blonde go to the dentist? A: Someone dented her car.
has 59.74 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: blonde, car, dentist, stupid
Which Women's Day gift would you like? To determine your personality, pick the gift you'd most like to receive! 1. Candy 2. Flowers 3. A sweet poem 4. Dinner/Dancing 5. Waffle iron 1. CANDY It means that... You are a sweet person who enjoys traditional gifts and hopefully likes to share. OR... You're a selfish chocoholic who values a sugar high over everything, even true love. 2. FLOWERS It means that... You love the beauty of nature, the scent of flowers and appreciate this timeless romantic gesture. OR... You get some twisted joy out of watching vegetation wither and die. 3. A SWEET POEM It means that... You're a hopeless romantic, a cultured person who recognizes the power and beauty of the written word. OR... You're used to cheap gifts and like to pass yourself off as a cultured person who recognizes the power and beauty of the written word. 4. DINNER/DANCING It means that... You enjoy the company of that special someone and the romantic setting of fine cuisine and candlelight. OR... You're easy to please and probably willing to sell your body for food and a few quick turns around the dance floor. 5. WAFFLE IRON It means that... You're a practical person who believes in gifts that you can actually use. OR... You have absolutely no idea of what gift-giving is all about and probably have some sort of deviant fetish involving kitchen appliances.
has 59.74 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: alcohol, food, mean, romantic, women
Yo' Mama is so ugly, I asked if her face hurt because it was killing me.
has 59.74 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: insulting, ugly, Yo mama
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