The best animal jokes

Two Middle East mothers are sitting in a cafe chatting over a plate of tabouli and a pint of goat’s milk. The older of the mothers pulls a bag out of her purse and starts flipping through photos. And they start reminiscing. "This is my oldest son Mohammed. He would be 24 years old now." "Yes, I remember him as a baby" says the other mother cheerfully. "He’s a martyr now though" mum confides. "Oh, so sad, dear" says the other. "And this is my second son Kalid. He would be 21." "Oh, I remember him," says the other happily, "he had such curly hair when he was born." "He’s a martyr too" says mum quietly. "Oh, gracious me…" says the other. "And this is my third son. My baby. My beautiful Ahmed. He would be 18," she whispers. "Yes" says the friend enthusiastically, "I remember when he first started school." "He’s a martyr also," says mum, with tears in her eyes. After a pause and a deep sigh, the second Muslim mother looks wistfully at the photographs and says, "They blow up so fast, don’t they?"
has 59.86 % from 149 votes. More jokes about: age, animal, black humor, food
Q: How does a blonde kill a worm? A: She burys it.
has 59.83 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: animal, blonde, death, stupid
A farmer brought his daughter a little pot-belly pet pig. She called it "Stinky" when she played with it out in the yard, but she called it "Ballpoint" when it was in the sty. "Tell me," asked her father, "Why do you have two names for your pig?" "That’s easy," she replied, "Ballpoint is just his pen name."
has 59.80 % from 28 votes. More jokes about: animal, kids
Where do Russian cows come from? Moscow.
has 59.80 % from 28 votes. More jokes about: animal
Q. What did the elephant say to the naked man? A. "How do you breathe through something so small?"
has 59.79 % from 94 votes. More jokes about: animal
I’ve never understood why women love cats. Cats are independent, they don’t listen, they don’t come in when you call, they like to stay out all night, and when they’re home they like to be left alone and sleep. In other words, every quality that women hate in a man they love in a cat.
has 59.75 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: animal
A guy walks into a bar with a giraffe, and the giraffe gets waay too drunk. The bartender says, "Hey! you can't leave that lyin' there!" The guy goes, "that's not a lion its a giraffe!"
has 59.75 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: alcohol, animal, bar, bartender, drunk
How do elephants hide in the jungle? Paint their balls red and pretend they are cherries! What's the loudest noise in the jungle? Monkeys eating cherries...
has 59.75 % from 31 votes. More jokes about: animal, elephant
What do a rattlesnake and a soft penis have in common? You can't f**k with either one.
has 59.74 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: animal, dirty
If they bring shrimp home on shrimp boats, fish home on fish boats, and clams home on clam boats, what do they bring crabs home on? The Captains Dinghy!
has 59.74 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: animal, fish, life
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