What do you call a cow on the barnyard floor?
Ground Beef.
What did one dairy cow say to another?
Got milk?
Cow: "Why don't you shoo those flies?"
Bull: "I ll let them go barefoot!"
What animals do you bring to bed?
Your calves.
What do you call an ugly rabbit that sits on someone's forehead?
Unsightly facial hare.
What weighs 35 tons, has four fuzzy ears and is 80 million years old?
Two rabbits riding a brontosaurus.
When does a rabbit go exactly as fast as a train?
When it's on the train.
Why are rabbits never gold?
How would you tell them apart from goldfish?
What do you call a gigantic polar bear?
Nothing, you just run away.
What do you get if you cross a tiger with a sheep?
A stripey sweater.