A black family of four, hears about a magical river that can turn them white if they swim across so they go and the dad and mom swim across, and they come out white, the daughter jumps in and swims across and she turn white, so the son trys to swim but the current takes him and the little girl goes up to dad and says, "Daddy, daddy, Philip just got taken by the current" and the dad says,
"Oh, forget that nigga."
What do you call a black guy that doesn't rape white women?
An inmate.
What do you call four niggers, in a car, driving off a cliff?
A waste.
You could've fit two more in the trunk.
Chuck Norris can't be racist, because to him there are no people, just light and dark targets.
Q: What does a black person have in common with a soda machine?
A: They both don't work and always take your money.
Q: Why cant stevie wonder read?
A: Cuz hes black
Yo mommas so black that when she walked outside the street lights turned on.
If I had a dollar every time I made a racist joke a nigger would rob me.
What's black and white and rolls down the Boardwalk?
A nigger and a seagull fighting over a French Fry.
What happens when you stick your hand in a jar of jelly beans?
The black ones steal your watch and rings.