The best black people jokes

What do you call a black guy that doesn't rape white women? An inmate.
has 51.40 % from 117 votes. More jokes about: black people, prison, racist
What is the difference between a black monopoly board and a white one. The black on you roll any number and you go to jail.
has 51.37 % from 181 votes. More jokes about: black people, game, prison, racist, white people
Chuck Norris can't be racist, because to him there are no people, just light and dark targets.
has 51.30 % from 161 votes. More jokes about: black people, Chuck Norris, racist, white people
Q: What does a black person have in common with a soda machine? A: They both don't work and always take your money.
has 51.21 % from 176 votes. More jokes about: black people, money, racist, work
Q: What does the BFI on the dumpsters stand for? A: Black Family Inside.
has 51.19 % from 165 votes. More jokes about: black people, family, racist
Q: Why cant stevie wonder read? A: Cuz hes black
has 50.78 % from 157 votes. More jokes about: black people, celebrity
Yo mommas so black that when she walked outside the street lights turned on.
has 50.71 % from 102 votes. More jokes about: black people, insulting, Yo mama
If I had a dollar every time I made a racist joke a nigger would rob me.
has 50.61 % from 104 votes. More jokes about: black people, racist
What's black and white and rolls down the Boardwalk? A nigger and a seagull fighting over a French Fry.
has 50.57 % from 193 votes. More jokes about: animal, black people, food
What happens when you stick your hand in a jar of jelly beans? The black ones steal your watch and rings.
has 50.56 % from 180 votes. More jokes about: black people
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