Q: What did the valentines day card say to the stamp?
A: Stick with me and you'll go places.
Q: What is the definition of an extroverted tax accountant?
A: Someone who stares at YOUR shoes when talking to you.
Jim is up north on a trip and his car breaks down.
He checks it out for a minute and being a mechanic he pretty quickly knows he needs a tow truck.
He opens his phone and has no signal so he starts walking.
A few minutes later he here's the bass of a car coming in the distance, bht dum dum do buh dum dum do.
He waits and sees a low riding car pull up next to him.
The windows roll down and smoke pours out.
He sees a bunch of empty beer bottles.
The driver and his 3 passengers ask "hey man! Need a lift? We saw your car up the road?"
He thinks for a minute and decides not to go with them.
The ask what's wrong with the car the mechanic replies "uhh just piston broke that's all" the driven than replies "eh so are we man hop in!"
A boastful hunter kept telling his buddies the same story, and they chided him for telling it over and over.
He reminded them that they often tell the same stories.
"Not so," said one friend. "We re-share, you repeat."
Q: Why would a blonde wear green lipstick?
A: Because red means Stop.
When somebody is totally angry, why not say:
"Yes, young Skywalker. Come over to the dark side of the Force."
I would tell a joke about a bed, but it hasn't been made up yet.
When asked for his name by the coffee shop clerk, my brother-in-law answered, "Marc, with a C."
Minutes later, he was handed his coffee with his name written on the side: Cark.
A waiter walks up to a table of old ladies eating their lunch and asks, "Is anything OK?"
Joke has 66.10 % from 34 votes. More jokes about: communication, customer service, food, mean, old people
Q: What was the world's first palindrome?
A: Madam, I'm Adam.