The best dirty jokes

Q: Why does the easter bunny hide his eggs? A: He doesn't want anyone to know he's f**king chickens.
has 66.66 % from 191 votes. More jokes about: animal, dirty, easter, sex
Q: Why would a blonde wear green lipstick? A: Because red means Stop.
has 66.46 % from 70 votes. More jokes about: beauty, blonde, communication, dirty, sex
Q: What do a nearsighted gynecologist and a dog have in common? A: Wet noses.
has 66.44 % from 56 votes. More jokes about: dirty, doctor, dog
This guy goes into a Sperm Bank with a gun and a ski mask and yells at the receptionist to open the safe. She's confused, thinking this is the world's dumbest criminal. "Sir, this is a sperm bank, we don't have money in here! That safe is full of donated sperm samples!" The robber screams for her to open it. At this point, she's confused. Maybe he's just a guy who thought better of becoming an anonymous donor and wants his sample back. She opens the safe like he commanded. The robber yells: "Now bring over that tray!" The woman does as he asks and brings the tray of sperm samples to the counter. As soon as the tray hits the counter, the menacing criminal makes further demands: "Now open that container and drink it!" The woman's gag reflex triggers. She barely manages to stammer out "that's disgusting! I won't do it!" Angered the man in the ski mask cocks the hammer on his pistol and repeats his command to drink one of the samples. The woman complies, he tells her to drink another, and another until the entire tray is gone. Once the last cup is finished the man pulls off his ski mask and goes: "See honey, it's not that fucking hard."
has 66.43 % from 63 votes. More jokes about: dirty
Q: How do you know when a machanic has had sex? A: Two of his fingers are clean.
has 66.33 % from 314 votes. More jokes about: dirty, mechanic, sex
What does a Rubik's cube and a pen*s have in common? They both get harder the longer you play with them.
has 66.27 % from 73 votes. More jokes about: dirty
Hey, you wanna do a 68? You go down on me, and I'll owe you one.
has 66.17 % from 59 votes. More jokes about: age, dirty, flirt, money, sex
Why is the position 69 like driving car in a rush hour traffic? Cause asshole is always in front of you.
has 66.16 % from 52 votes. More jokes about: dirty
Grass is green, trees are greener. When I think of you, I play with my wiener.
has 66.15 % from 93 votes. More jokes about: dirty, masturbation, poems
Q: Whats the Diffenence between kinky and perverted? A1: Kinky is when you tickle your girl friends ass with a feather. A2: Perverted is when you use the whole chicken...
has 66.09 % from 76 votes. More jokes about: animal, dirty, disgusting
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