The best dirty jokes

How did Burger King get Diary Queen Pregnant? He forgot to wrap his whopper.
has 39.18 % from 72 votes. More jokes about: dirty
Two men were talking about their wives. First: "I'm a teacher whenever we are in bed my wife says repeat please." Second: "I'm a driver when we are sexing she thinks I'm in a gas station so she screws my dick and says: 'fill it up super!'"
has 38.75 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: dirty, men, sex, teacher, work
Q: How many gays does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: None because they screw each other the dirty fucks.
has 38.07 % from 81 votes. More jokes about: dirty, gay, light bulb
What do you say to a virgin? Thanks for nothing!
has 38.05 % from 60 votes. More jokes about: dirty, sex
Q: Who did little Johnny see when he snuck into the church late one night? A: Pastor Bedtime.
has 38.04 % from 74 votes. More jokes about: church, dirty, little Johnny, sex
Yo mama so fat you cant tell if she got a penis or a vagina.
has 37.97 % from 35 votes. More jokes about: dirty, fat, vulgar, Yo mama
Q: When does a pedophile go to sleep? A: When the big hand touches the small one.
has 37.83 % from 58 votes. More jokes about: black humor, dirty, kids, sex
Q: When is the only time you can smack an ugly woman in the face? A: When her mustache is on fire.
has 37.83 % from 65 votes. More jokes about: dirty
What's the difference between a dead baby and a table? You can't fuck a table.
has 37.62 % from 246 votes. More jokes about: black humor, dead baby, dirty, disgusting, sex
Q: What do you call a blonde doing a handstand? A: A brunette with bad breath.
has 37.45 % from 40 votes. More jokes about: dirty
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