Doctor (to an absent-minded patient): "What is wrong with you?"
Patient: "I am losing my memory. Please prescribe some medicine."
Doctor (Handing him the prescription after a while): "Here, Take this."
Patient: "Why are you giving me this prescription? I am perfectly all right."
Chuck Norris doesn't do cocaine.
Cocaine does Chuck Norris.
Did you here about the man that died from eating Rocky Mountain Oysters?
The bull must have drug him a mile!
An evening of Valentine's Day.
A man comes to a drug store: "Good evening!"
"Sorry, we are sold out..."
Yo mama so stupid, she thought Ewoks were just Homeless Care Bears on drugs.
A patient: "Doctor, I don’t feel hungry after taking meal."
Doctor: "Really, your condition is very serious. Wait a bit."
(After sometime, the doctor holds out some medicines).
Doctor: "Take these pills. You take one pill after your sleep and another one before you get-up."
Chuck Norris once ate a whole bucket of sleepng pills and it managed to make him yawn.
If you say "alright" in the mirror 3 times Matthew McConaughey will appear and hand you a joint.
A drunk man was smoking drugs while driving.
The policeman stop him and says, "Show me you ID?"
The drunk man, "What drugs?"
Charlie Sheen is a drug, it will melt your face and kill you.
Chuck Norris had two 8-Balls of Sheen and is now suing for false advertising.