The best food jokes

What happened when a cannibal went on a self-catering holiday? He ate himself.
has 55.71 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: black humor, food
Two boiled eggs in a pan, one says "Hot in here in it", other says "You think it's hot in here, wait till you get outside they smash your head in."
has 55.71 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: black humor, food
Inside a Best Buy store. Customer: "Can you help me? I'm looking for a shredder." Coworker: "We have all types of shredders. What will you be shredding primarily?" Customer: "Collard greens."
has 55.71 % from 25 votes. More jokes about: customer service, food
What does a British potato say when it thinks something is wonderful? It's mashing!
has 55.57 % from 41 votes. More jokes about: food, life, racist
Q: What is a ghosts favorite snack? A: Boo berries
has 55.51 % from 33 votes. More jokes about: food, Thanksgiving
A newlywed couple just moved into their new house. One day, the wife asked her husband, "Honey, one of the bathroom pipes is leaking. Could you fix it?" The husband looked at his wife and said, "What do I look like Mr. Plumber?" A few days went by, and his wife asked for a favor. "Honey, the car won't start. I think it needs a new battery. Could you change it for me?" "What do I look like Mr. Goodwrench?" A couple weeks later, the wife found a leak in the roof. "Honey, there's a leak on the roof. Can you please fix it?" "What do I look like Bob Vila?" He sat down with a beer and watched a game on TV. One rainy weekend, the husband realized the leak on the roof was gone. He went to the bathroom and found that the pipe behind the sink wasn't leaking anymore either. When his wife returned home, the husband asked, "Honey, how come there aren't any more leaks and the car's running?" She replied nonchalantly, "Oh, the other day I ran into one of our new neighbors, Jon. What a nice man. He came over and fixed everything. "Wow, did he charge us anything?" "No, he said he'd do it for free if I either baked him a cake or had sex with him." "Cool. What kind of cake did you make?" "Cake? What the hell do I look like Betty Crocker?"
has 55.40 % from 69 votes. More jokes about: food, husband, marriage, sex, work
What is the difference between mayonnaise and semen? Mayonnaise doesn't shoot down your throat at 40 miles per hour.
has 55.37 % from 46 votes. More jokes about: dirty, food
"Well, children," said the cannibal cooking teacher. "What did you make of the new English teacher?" "Burgers, ma'am."
has 55.34 % from 22 votes. More jokes about: food, school, teacher
Yo mama so fat, when she went to a subway she mistook the train for a sandwich and ate it.
has 55.34 % from 22 votes. More jokes about: fat, food, travel, Yo mama
Yo mama so dumb she used old spice body wash to cook.
has 55.34 % from 22 votes. More jokes about: food, stupid, Yo mama
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