Q: What travels at 200km's a hour?
A: A Mexican hearing a dollar drop to the ground.
What do you do if you see your TV floating?
What do you do if you see you refridgerator floating?
Run because that is one hell of a big black guy!
What does NBA stand for Niggas Boucing Around.
Q: What do you call a pool full of black kids?
A: Cocoa puffs.
Q: Did you hear about the new black breakfast cereal?
A: It's called "Nuttin' Bitch!"
There are four people from different counties on the Empire State Building. One is Japanese, one is French, one is Mexican, and one is American.
They all want to throw something off the building that they have a lot of in their country.
The Japanese guy goes first. He throws off sushi.
There is a lot of sushi in my country.
Next is the French guy. He throws off a condom.
There is too much love in my country.
Next is the Mexican. He throws off a taco.
There is too much taco in my country.
Next goes the American. He looks around him and picks the Mexican up and throws him of the building and says:
There are too much Mexicans in my country.
Why do pill bottles have cotton buds in the top of them?
To remind black people that they were cotton pickers before they were drug dealers.
What do you do if you see a black man flopping around on the ground?
Stop laughing and reload.
What do you call a black guy that doesn't rape white women?
An inmate.
What is the difference between a black monopoly board and a white one.
The black on you roll any number and you go to jail.