The best school jokes

Teacher: "I will call your parents!" Elementary student: "No! I’ll be a good boy!" Junior High School Student: "Pffff… Anyway…" High School Student: "Send my mother my greetings!"
has 72.43 % from 128 votes. More jokes about: school, student, teacher
Teacher: "Ramu, you talk a lot !" Ramu: "It's a family tradition". Teacher: "What do you mean?" Ramu: "Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher". Teacher: "What about your mother?" Ramu: "She's a woman".
has 72.37 % from 140 votes. More jokes about: family, school, teacher, women
Teacher: Be sure that you go straight home Student: I can't, I live just round the corner!
has 72.33 % from 69 votes. More jokes about: school
Boy: "Our principal is so stupid!" Girl: "Don't you know who I am?" Boy: "No?" Girl: "I'm the principals daughter". Boy: "Do you know who I am?" Girl: "No." Boy: "Good." *walks away quickly*
has 72.22 % from 127 votes. More jokes about: communication, management, school, stupid, vulgar
Miss Jones had been giving her second-grade students a lesson on science. She had explained about magnets and showed how they would pick up nails and other bits of iron. Now it was question time, and she asked, “My name begins with the letter ‘M’ and I pick up things. What am I?” A little boy on the front row proudly said, “You’re a mother!”
has 72.18 % from 60 votes. More jokes about: school, science
After Sunday school, the teacher released the kids to go to church and reminded them, "You all know to be very nice and quiet in the church. And why is that?"  Little Johnny offers, "Miss, it's so we wouldn't wake all those people sleeping."
has 72.05 % from 114 votes. More jokes about: little Johnny, school, teacher
Two elderly gentlemen are playing cards on Saturday evening just as they have done for the past 50 years. Gus, the elder, had been having problems remembering what cards were what, and usually needed help from his wife. At the end of the card game Red said to Gus, "You did very good tonight. You didn't need any help at all. Why is that?" Gus replied, "Why, ever since my wife sent me to that memory school, I haven't had any problems at all." "Memory school? What memory school?" Gus thought for a moment, "Oh, what's that flower that's red with thorns? A really pretty flower..." "A rose?" asked Red. "Yeah, that's it!" Gus turned to his wife and mumbled, "Hey, Rose! What's the name of that memory school you sent me to?"
has 72.04 % from 33 votes. More jokes about: memory, old people, school, time, wife
"What shall we play today?" said Florence to her best friend Jenny. "Let's play schools," said Jenny. "OK!" said Florence. "But I'm going to be absent."
has 72.04 % from 33 votes. More jokes about: friendship, game, school
You could give me 37 years to do homework and I still wouldn't do it until the night before.
has 71.97 % from 42 votes. More jokes about: school, student, time, work
Teacher: Where are the Great Plains located? Tommy: At the great airports!
has 71.90 % from 97 votes. More jokes about: school
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