The best sex jokes

A Girl was towelling her wet pussy. She enjoyed it so much that she began to rub it vigorously until... ...the pussy cried "Meow" and runs away. Moral Lessons 1. Be kind to Animals 2. Always keep your thoughts clean...
has 69.73 % from 164 votes. More jokes about: animal, sex, women
If you're feeling down, I can feel you up.
has 69.73 % from 153 votes. More jokes about: dirty, flirt, sex
Sex isn’t the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer.
has 69.70 % from 247 votes. More jokes about: sex
Condoms are not completely safe. A friend of mine was wearing one and he got hit by a bus.
has 69.63 % from 367 votes. More jokes about: sex
Why do so many women fake orgasm? Because so many men fake foreplay.
has 69.55 % from 30 votes. More jokes about: men, sex, women
Mary and Jane are talking. Mary declares that she’s finally got pregnant after years of trying. ‘How did you manage it?’ asks Jane. ‘I went to that hypnotherapist on the High Street,’ replies Mary. ‘I got pregnant within two months.’ ‘Oh, my husband and I tried seeing him years ago,’ says Jane. ‘It didn’t work for us.’ ‘Of course it wouldn’t,’ replies Mary. ‘You have to go alone.’
has 69.46 % from 126 votes. More jokes about: sex
Suzy asked her big sister Samantha how babies are made. Samantha explains it to her. "I still don't get it? Can you show me." Suzy says. "OK. Tonight, I will let you watch will my boyfriend, Jack and I screw." That night, Jack laid Samantha 5 times but Suzy still didn't understand. The next night Jack was tired of Suzy watching so he offered to have sex with her. "OK but I don't want Samantha to watch" So Samantha went outside. They are in there for almost an hour and when they come out Jack is smiling like crazy. "That was fun but I still don't get it." Says Suzy The next day the same thing happened. And the next day. Finally 2 weeks later Samantha comes home crying. "Whats wrong," Suzy says. "Jack dumped me. He said there was someone better." Said Samantha. "Let's go talk to him maybe we can change his mind," said Suzy. When they got there Jack said he made up his mind and there was nothing they could do to change it. Then he asked to speak to Suzy privately. He pulled off all of Suzy's clothes and started to screw her. "OK," Jack said kissing Suzy's neck "I broke up with Samantha now tell me how you got to be so good in bed." "Fine." She replied, "I asked all my other sisters how babies are made."
has 69.45 % from 85 votes. More jokes about: baby, kids, sex, stupid, time
One morning, while she was making breakfast, the local fitness freak walked up to his wife, pinched her on the bum and said, "You know dear if you firmed this up we could get rid of your girdle." This was a bit over the limit, but she controlled herself and replied with silence. Next morning the man woke his wife with a pinch on the breast. "You know love if you firmed these up we could get rid of your bras." That was too far over the limit. She rolled over and grabbed him by the penis. Maintaining a vice grip, she whispered in his ear, "You know dear if you firmed this up we could get rid of the postman, the pool man, the gardener and your brother."
has 69.38 % from 81 votes. More jokes about: fitness, health, sex, sport, wife
A wife who put her husband in doghouse soon find him in cathouse.
has 69.28 % from 42 votes. More jokes about: husband, mean, sex, wife
You know why Chuck Norris is always on top during sex? Because he never fucks up.
has 69.27 % from 254 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, sex
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