Q: What does Saddam want for Thanksgiving ?
A: Turkey.
Terrorists have hijacked a planeload of lawyers bound for a legal convention.
They’ve threatened to start releasing the lawyers one by one until their demands are met.
Q: Why is Al Qaeda more compassionate than pro-lifers?
A: The 9/11 hijackers got to die instantly.
A Muslim safely departs from a plane.
My dad died on 9-11.
He was the best amateur bomber on Iraq's flight team.
Q: Where did OP go in the explosion?
A: Everywhere.
Q: "What do you call a Muslim shrink?
A: A terrorpist."
Chuck Norris is the reason terrorists hide in caves.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Allahu Akbar.
Allahu AK-
So this retarded blind couple just lives in Guantanamo Bay.
The prison warden told us soon these little fishies would grow gills.
So we have been feeding our fishies since 911 they all been fed really well.
In our daily water events until I told my wife, "there is a problem these fish haven't grown any gills."
So we told the Warden and he laughed he said: "you know what you've been doing since 911 the blind couple relied on what!"
The warden replied, "well you've been waterboarding convicted isis terrorists!"
The blind couple said, "what happens to the fishes?"
The warden replied, "well they are dead of course!"