Yo mama is so ugly, Bob the Builder said: '' holy f*ck we can't fix that.''
What do you call an ugly rabbit that sits on someone's forehead?
Unsightly facial hare.
Yo mamma so ugly when she was walking to the bank.
They turned of the security cameras.
Your mama is so ugly she jumps and the gravity did not return.
Yo mama so ugly that she saw herself six ways in the mirror!
Your momma is so ugly when she look in the mirror it shattered.
Yo mama nose is so big she could smell what the rock was cooking before he started cooking.
Yo momma is so ugly that Superman lost his supervision and went blind.
Yo Mama's so ugly, I can f**k her in any position and it'll still be doggie-style.
Yo momma so skinny she looks like a mic stand.