Your momma is just like a shotgun, give her a cock and she blows.
Your mama so stupid she bought tickets to Xbox Live.
Yo' Mama is so stupid, she asked if her drug test was multiple choice.
Yo' Mama is so nasty, simply bathing is part of her weight loss program.
Yo mama is so fat, it takes two texts for her to send a selfie.
Joke has 63.82 % from 35 votes. More jokes about: communication, fat, insulting, technology, Yo mama
Yo mama so fat, she leaves stretch marks in the tub.
Yo' Mama is like marijuana everyone does her, but no one admits it.
Yo Mommas teeth are so yellow I can't believe it's not butter.
Yo Momma's so fat when she takes a bath she fills the tub then turns on the water.
Yo mama so fat when Dracula bit her he said "1 diabete, 2 diabete, 3 diabete".