Best jokes ever

Chuck Norris can paste something before he copies it.
has 63.51 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Wife: "There's something preying on my mind." Husband: "Don't worry, it'll soon die of starvation."
has 63.51 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: communication, marriage, mean
Sign at a gay nudist colony: "Gentlemen playing leapfrog are requested to complete their leaps!"
has 63.51 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: gay, music
Yo mama so old she had a wedding picture with George Washington.
has 63.51 % from 38 votes. More jokes about: age, political, time, wedding, Yo mama
Yo mamas so fat when she farted she caused global warming!
has 63.51 % from 92 votes. More jokes about: fart, Yo mama
A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?" And the father replied, "I don't know, son, I'm still paying for it."
has 63.50 % from 555 votes. More jokes about: dad, marriage, money
Knock Knock! Who's There? Figs Figs who? Figs the doorbell, it's broken!
has 63.49 % from 230 votes. More jokes about: kids, knock-knock
How did the black guy escape from jail? He unscrewed the light bulbs.
has 63.47 % from 402 votes. More jokes about: black people, light bulb, prison, racist
Knock,Knock, Who is there? Pen! Pen who? is...
has 63.45 % from 471 votes. More jokes about: communication, dirty, knock-knock, vulgar
So it's the weekend, and I'm on my back patio when I get this idea to call up my coroner friend Bob. "Bob's not here," his wife says, "he's at work." "Sheesh!" I think. "Poor guy doing autopsies on a Sunday." So I call him on his cell. "What gives, bro,?" I ask. "Homicide," he says. "The higher-ups need a report ASAP. I'll be starting in just a few minutes." I Josh Bob a little. "I'll be thinking of you, buddy. Right now, I'm basting barbecue sauce on a rack of baby-backs and I'm getting ready to open a frosty beer." "Not much different here," he says. "I'm about ready to crack open a cold one myself."
has 63.45 % from 51 votes. More jokes about: black humor, food, friendship, time, work
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