Best jokes ever

Q: Why did the blonde keep a picture of herself in her room? A: So she could use it as a mirror.
has 61.25 % from 26 votes. More jokes about: blonde
In the late 80's When Michael Jackson first met Chuck Norris he turned white.
has 61.25 % from 115 votes. More jokes about: age, Chuck Norris, music
Q. How do you know when you are getting old? A. When you start having dry dreams and wet farts.
has 61.24 % from 307 votes. More jokes about: age, fart, sex
What's the difference between a black man and a daycare? A daycare knows when it has children.
has 61.23 % from 191 votes. More jokes about: racist
When a white person delivers an asian baby. White person: "Congratulations he looks like your husband... mom... cousin... uncle... neighbor..."
has 61.21 % from 304 votes. More jokes about: asian, racist, white people
Chuck Norris doesn't cheat death, he beats it fair and square.
has 61.19 % from 89 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris, death, game, life
A Black man bought a round of drinks for everyone in the bar, announcing that his wife had just given birth to "a typical black baby boy weighing 20 pounds." Congratulations showered him from all around, and many exclamations of "Wow!" were heard. A woman fainted due to sympathy pains. Two weeks later, he returned to the bar. The bartender said, "Say, you're the proud father of an amazing black baby who weighed 20 pounds at birth. How much does he weigh now?" The proud father answered, "Fifteen pounds." The bartender was puzzled. "Why? What happened? He weighed 20 pounds at birth?" The father drank the bottle of whisky at one go, wiped his lips on his shirtsleeve, leaned into the bartender and said, "Had him circumcised."
has 61.18 % from 521 votes. More jokes about: baby, bar, bartender, black people, wife
A man came up with a new invention, a vibrating tampon. That way a woman can be at her best when she is at her worst.
has 61.18 % from 224 votes. More jokes about: sex, women
Teacher: Students, if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him, what virtue would I be showing? Class: "Brotherly love."
has 61.15 % from 86 votes. More jokes about: animal, love, school, teacher
Yo mama so short when she smokes weed, she cant even get high.
has 61.15 % from 86 votes. More jokes about: insulting, vulgar, weed, Yo mama
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