Best jokes ever

Chuck Norris can power solar panels. At Night.
has 59.89 % from 46 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris can hammer a wall into a nail.
has 59.89 % from 46 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
Why was the picture sent to jail? It was framed.
has 59.89 % from 46 votes. More jokes about: cop
Mama Raptor and Papa Raptor were in court getting a divorce and the judge offered Baby Raptor a choice of which parent to live with. JUDGE: "Do you want to live with your mother?" BABY RAPTOR: "No! She beats me." JUDGE: "OK, then you can live with your father." BABY RAPTOR: "No! He beats me too!" JUDGE: "Well you have to live with someone. Who do you want to live with?" BABY RAPTOR: "I want to live with my Aunt Bertha in Toronto." JUDGE: "Is there any chance she'll beat you also?" BABY RAPTOR: "No sir. The Toronto Raptors don't beat anybody."
has 59.88 % from 97 votes. More jokes about: animal, baby, dinosaur
A guy goes into a drug store to buy condoms. The girl behind the counter says, “What size?” He says, “I don’t know.” She hold up a finger and says, “That big?” He says, “Bigger.” She holds up three fingers and says, “That big?” He says, “Smaller?” She holds up two fingers and he says, “That’s it.” She puts the two fingers in her mouth and says, “Medium.”
has 59.88 % from 97 votes. More jokes about: dirty, drug
I would kick you straight in the vagina... If I wasn't afraid of losing my shoe.
has 59.86 % from 219 votes. More jokes about: dirty
Q: Why was the black baby crying? A: He had diarrhea so he thought he was melting
has 59.86 % from 333 votes. More jokes about: black people
What does a blonde do when her laptop computer freezes? She sticks it in the microwave.
has 59.83 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: blonde, computer
Q: How does a blonde kill a worm? A: She burys it.
has 59.83 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: animal, blonde, death, stupid
Chuck Norris uses flatbed trailers as roller skates.
has 59.83 % from 43 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
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