Best jokes ever

What do you call one black on the moon? Problem. What do you call ten blacks on the moon? Problems. What do you call the entire black population on the moon? Problem solved.
has 56.62 % from 273 votes. More jokes about: black people
What did the black kid get for Christmas? YOUR BIKE!
has 56.62 % from 312 votes. More jokes about: black people, Christmas, kids, racist
Chuck Norris doesn't expect the unexpected. He knows the unexpected.
has 56.61 % from 84 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
On Sunday little Johnny with his dad went for bathing. The ground was slippery. So poor boy for avoiding of knocking down grabbed his father's penis. His father smiled and told him: "Oh boy you are lucky. If you were with your mother you were concussion!"
has 56.59 % from 117 votes. More jokes about: dad, dirty, health, little Johnny, women
Jacob, age 92, and Rebecca, age 89, are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding and on the way they pass a drugstore. Jacob suggests they go in. Jacob addresses the man behind the counter: 'Are you the owner?' The pharmacist answers yes. Says Jacob: 'We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?' Pharmacist: 'Of course we do.' Jacob: 'How about medicine for circulation?' Pharmacist: 'All kinds.' Jacob: 'Medicine for rheumatism, scoliosis? ' Pharmacist: 'Definitely.' Jacob: 'How about Viagra?' Pharmacist: 'Of course.' Jacob: 'Medicine for memory problems, arthritis, jaundice?' Pharmacist: 'Yes, a large variety. The works.' Jacob: 'What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson's disease?' Pharmacist: 'Absolutely.' Jacob: 'You sell wheelchairs and walkers?' Pharmacist: 'All speeds and sizes.' Jacob says to the pharmacist: 'We'd like to register here for our wedding gifts, please.'
has 56.59 % from 117 votes. More jokes about: age, marriage, medical, wedding
Three women talk about their husband's performance as lovers. The first woman says, "My husband is a marriage counselor, so he always buys me flowers and candy before we make love." The second woman says, "My husband is a motorcycle mechanic. He likes to play rough and use leather sometimes." The third woman shakes her head and says, "My husband works for an Internet company. He just sits on the edge of the bed and tells me how great it's going to be when I get it."
has 56.57 % from 58 votes. More jokes about: husband, love, marriage, women
Which branch of the military do babies join? The infantry!
has 56.57 % from 58 votes. More jokes about: baby, military
Once Chuck Norris attempted to punch through a brick wall, but the brick wall crumbled in fear.
has 56.57 % from 58 votes. More jokes about: Chuck Norris
„And, Johnny? How did your school report turn out?" asks mother. „Come on mom, the most important thing is that I'm healthy!"
has 56.57 % from 58 votes. More jokes about: health, little Johnny, school
In some quarters, bookstores may be considered dinosaurs, but odd customers are evergreen, as these requests to bookstore clerks prove. "Can you tell me who the author of Shakespeare is?" "I'm looking for a book, but I only know the title, not the author. It's called Dante's Inferno." "I definitely don't want nonfiction. I like autobiographies and history." "Do you have Shakespeare in English?"
has 56.57 % from 58 votes. More jokes about: business, communication, customer service, dinosaur, stupid
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