Jason Bourne is Chuck Norris' daughter...
Q: Why is Michael Jackson addicted to pain killers?
A: To stop him from going OW OW OW!
When Teddy Rosavelt said there is nothing to fear but fear itself he obiously hadn't met Chuck Norris.
Superman's weakness isn't kryptonite, it's obvious who it is...
Obama's health care plan won't cover injuries caused by a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick to the face.
Nobody would survive anyway.
Rocky Balboa was a lucky man because Chuck Norris didn't pursue a boxing carreer.
Q: Did you hear Lorena Bobbitt was almost killed in a traffic accident?
A: Some dick cut her off.
Did you hear that Princess Di was on the radio a couple of weeks ago?
Yep, and on the dashboard, and on the window, and on the hood....
Osama Bin Laden is hiding from Chuck Norris.
Bruce Lee didn't die from an allergic reaction.
He died cause Chuck Norris decided to not let him live anymore.